Solar-To-Go.ca is a company dedicated to bringing new solar products to the public. We are committed to providing the best service to our customers. Our products are innovative and provide a non-polluting way to produce "household" power where-ever you are.
    Whether you are in your driveway or you are 100 miles from the nearest 120 Volt outlet, with our Solar Tonneau cover you will have the power you need, where you need it. Generators, while having lots of power are limited to your fuel supply. You must also keep up with the maintenance on the generator or else it will not start or be difficult to start. The Solar Tonneau cover is maintenance free, no moving parts.   With solar you will always be able to recharge your battery(s). Even on a cloudy day you will generate power.

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Added a page showing the solar tonneau cover on a 1966 chevy show truck

Solar-To-Go.ca is a company dedicated to bringing new solar products to the public. We are committed to providing the best service to our customers. Our products are innovative and provide a non-polluting way to produce "household" power where-ever you are.
    Whether you are in your driveway or you are 100 miles from the nearest 120 Volt outlet, with our Solar Tonneau cover you will have the power you need, where you need it. Generators, while having lots of power are limited to your fuel supply. You must also keep up with the maintenance on the generator or else it will not start or be difficult to start. The Solar Tonneau cover is maintenance free, no moving parts.   With solar you will always be able to recharge your battery(s). Even on a cloudy day you will generate power.

Click image below to see our gallery of a special "custom" tonneau cover